Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eating Lemons....

Lila is so funny.  Here is a little video I took of her eating lemons a few weeks ago.  She keeps trying them...wonder when she will figure it out =).

Eating Lemons from Stacey George on Vimeo.

School starts tomorrow.  I'm ready for it, except for the fact that someone in some high up place decided that it would be a good idea for 6th graders to start school at 7:35 in the morning.  Seriously?  So for the next 4 years until Bella gets her drivers license, I will be rising super early to get her to school.  Yuck, yuck, yuck.  I don't do mornings.  I missed out on all the ability to get up super early in the morning genes.  All this summer I have been getting to work by 8 in attempts to prepare myself and it has been painful pulling myself out of I will be up even earlier.  I need to win the lottery so I can hire myself a kid carter arounder.  Soccer also starts tomorrow.  I have never started soccer season as tired and worn out as I am now...kind of a scary thought how I might feel in 8 weeks.  I hope to survive mentally intact...we shall see.  Well I better run.  I need to get junk ready for tomorrow so that maybe I can sleep that extra 15 minutes =).  Night.


cld said...

Lila is sooooooooo cute ! I don't do mornings as well as I use to either....but still get up at 5:30 a.m......just in a stupor more than I use to be at that time!!!!

Melissa said...

Once you get used to morning risings, it's not so bad. I was the same way, but I now kind of like getting up before everyone else and enjoying some peace and quiet before the hubbub of the day begins.

Austine and D. Jean said...

Oh my, I'm a teacher and that is early. I can't imagine some of my students getting up that early. Hope it worked out well for you.