Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Up close and personal with the belly...24 weeks

Have officially made it to 24 weeks which is a significant milestone in my pediatrican head. And to celebrate such an occasion...a lovely photo of my belly. Perhaps some day I will get creative enough to post something else besides the lovely belly pics, but for now that is all you get. Oh...maybe I will post a side note since something just popped into my head. Actually watched 2 movies that I enjoyed. Haven't watched anything decent in awhile...maybe that is because someone always wants to watch war movies and they aren't my thing...but anyway watched "seven pounds" and tonight I watched "what happens in Vegas" liked them both. Seven pounds wasn't terribly realistic but I enjoyed it a lot. What happens in Vegas was incredibly cheesy and cliched but I liked it anyway. Or maybe I liked them both cause I just enjoy gazing at both Will Smith and Ashton Kutcher...hmmmmm. Anyway...back to the belly, enjoy and have a lovely day.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you finally.....ALMOST look pregnant! I was beginning to wonder if you were just making it up. I will have to look into those movies...I have been having your father on a diet of "chick flicks" If he doesn't fall asleep during them...he really likes them. Your somebody will have to get together with Melissa's somebody and watch their war movies together!!!!


Angela said...

So cuuute! Love your belly shots! Glad you are doing well and I hate war movies as well!

Angela said...

Just checking in...Hope you had a wonderful easter! Take care of you and that sweet little one :)