Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It's freezing out!

These are pictures of the girls enjoying a warm spring day after a soccer game. Speaking of warm weather, ours left! It was 80-some degrees yesterday and today it was mid-50s! Yuck....hate that! The only good thing was that it rained most of the day....yeah for my grass!

We went back to the dentist today. Emma's tooth is still intact and seems to be doing okay. She said we should still try to keep her from biting on it basically forever.....seems to me that is a pretty hard task, probably not going to happen.

Bella was feeling a little sick this morning. Said she wanted to stay home. I gave her the rules of staying home....and 10 minutes later she was getting ready for school. Guess she didn't like my rules. Seems to be feeling fine now =).

I worked out at home today. Did "The firm" workout. Thier first workout. It is VERY old (the chick leading it has leg warmers on!) but it is a great workout. I have been working out now for 2 months and it still kicked my butt.

Back to work tomorrow =(. Hope you're having a good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your grass. I miss talking to you. I hope my Emma is doing okay, and Bella is doing much better. Well, call me. HP